Sunday, December 12, 2010

begin, began, begun. Everything has just begun!

Assala......kum and  greetings to all the blog readers. 
After a tiring month of SPM examination, I am totally exhausted. Before and during the examination, I frequently felt sleepy due to my stressful of brain and insufficient sleeping. BUT NOW, IM FREE from suffering in every way. Okay...let's start my story, the first week after my SPM finished was really sucked! Most of the times i spent was just EAT,SHIT, and SLEEP. Almost everyday was the same,it can be considered as my idle life. However, a leopard will never change it's spot. YES! I occupy my leisure time with FACEBOOK and I discover an interesting stuff-creating blog. A person who encourages me to do so. Thankyou kah yan! She is the one escapes me from my discontented life. Now,I know what to do! And let's begin my epic story. HOORAY!!!